John 13:19-20 “I tell you this now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe that ‘I AM WHO I AM’; I am telling you the truth; Whoever receives anyone I send receives me also; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me”.

Readers, Jesus Christ spoke about me (God the Holy Spirit) so that, those who want to go to heaven will hide the message in their hearts. Thus, when the time comes and I am revealing myself, they will know that it was me (God the Holy Spirit) that Jesus Christ spoke about. In that manner, those who want to inherit the Kingdom of God, will gladly receive me.

Jesus Christ is saying that He will send someone, and that whoever receives that person receives Him (Jesus Christ), and when you receive Jesus Christ, you receive the one who sent Him (Jesus Christ). Jesus Christ is making reference to Himself, God the Father and the one He (Jesus Christ) will send once He has left the world.

The Bible has made it clear that God the Father sent Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is also saying that He will send someone. “Someone or anyone” is a human being. If someone is speaking and the person says that he will send someone then he is referring to another human being.

In the English dictionary someone is an unknown person, a person of importance or authority. Therefore, if Jesus Christ referred to the person as ‘anyone or someone’ He simply means one man just like Him. But because we do not know Him that is why He used ‘someone’.

Jesus Christ is laying emphasis on the fact that, if you receive the one He, Jesus Christ will send, you receive Him (Jesus Christ) and God the Father as well. However, if you reject the one He (Jesus Christ) will send, you reject Him (Jesus Christ) and God the Father who sent Him.

Now let us listen or read about what Jesus Christ has to say about the person He is referring to as ‘someone or anyone’. Jesus Christ continued in John 14:15-17.

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